Introducing Team Accounts: Efficiently manage and monitor team
financial accounts in the same platform you run the rest of your club.
Simplified and streamlined.
Team Accounts will make it easier than ever for team treasurers and club parents to do
everything they need in one platform – together.
Single Source
All fees, communication, schedules, and forms in one place. Make things uncomplicated for admins, treasurers, and parents.
Clear Visibility
Experience real-time oversight of team budgets, ledgers, reimbursements, and reconciliations. Always know, never question.
Complexities Covered
Team spending limits. Marking players ineligible for overdue payments. Letting parents pay all fees with the same card on file. This is effortless.
New Accounts
Open and close team accounts
at the touch of a button.
Debit Cards
Assign debit cards with custom spending limits.
Team Budgets
Set individual team budgets
for income and expenses.
Budget Sharing
Give club staff and parents
transparency into team budgets.
Integrated Team Fees
Automatically invoice families
after publishing team fees.
Transfer Funds
Transfer funds between team
and club accounts as needed.
Team Accounts is currently in beta. Request a demo today to get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how it works and how it transforms the financial experience for your staff and members.
Get a sneak preview.
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Introducing Team Accounts: Efficiently manage and monitor team financial accounts in the same platform you run the rest of your club.
Simplified and streamlined.
Team Accounts will make it easier than ever for team treasurers and club parents to do everything they need in one platform – together.
Single Source
All fees, communication, schedules, and forms in one place. Make things uncomplicated for admins, treasurers, and parents.
Clear Visibility
Experience real-time oversight of team budgets, reimbursements, ledgers, and reconciliations. Always know, never question.
Complexities Covered
Team spending limits. Marking players ineligible for overdue payments. Letting parents pay all fees with the same card on file. This is effortless.
New Accounts
Open and close team accounts at the touch
of a button.
Budget Sharing
Give club staff and parents transparency into team budgets.
Team Fees
Automatically invoice families after
publishing team fees.
Team Budgets
Set individual team budgets for income and expenses.
Transfer Funds
Transfer funds between team and club accounts.
Debit Cards
Assign debit cards with custom spending limits.
Get a sneak preview.
Team Accounts is currently in beta. Request a demo today to get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how it works and how it transforms the financial experience for your staff and members.
By providing your contact information, you accept and to the PlayMetrics Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
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